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Open Courseware
Advanced Topics in Real Estate Finance
This course covers the financial side of the real estate market. -
Open Courseware
Real Estate Capital Markets
This half-semester course introduces and surveys the major public capital market real estate vehicles, REITs and MBS (with primary emphasis on CMBS). -
Open Courseware
Real Estate Finance and Investment
This course is an introduction to the most fundamental concepts, principles, analytical methods and tools useful for making investment and finance decisions regarding commercial real estate assets. -
Open Courseware
Real Estate Finance and Its Vulnerability to Crisis
Real Estate is the biggest asset class and of great importance for both individuals and institutional investors. An array of economic and psychological factors impact real estate investment decisions and the public has changing ideas of real estate as a profitable investment. People’s demand to buy a home by taking on long-term debt, called a […] -
Online Certificate Programs in Home Inspection
A home inspector evaluates and documents the general state of residences for sale; inspections may be performed at the request of the seller, buyer, bank, or real estate agent to determine the value of the home and any hidden problems that may threaten the value. A home inspector must understand the fundamentals of home design, […] -
Online Bachelor’s in General Studies
Students seeking an interdisciplinary degree that would prepare them for a number of different careers might be interested in an online general studies bachelor’s degree. As the name implies, there isn’t necessarily one specific subject general studies majors study. Rather, they gain knowledge in a variety of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and natural […] -
Open Courseware
Dartmouth – “After the Recession: Can the Obama Administration Fix the Economy?”
David Leonhardt’s column on economics and business appears on Wednesday in The New York Times. David has been writing about economics for The Times since 2000. He was one of the writers who produced the paper’s recent series on social class in the United States. He has written frequently about economic policy, real estate and […] -
Open Courseware
Accountability and Greed in Investment Banking
Capitalism: Success, Crisis and Reform (PLSC 270) Professor Rae explores the creation of incentives and disincentives for individual action. The discussion begins with the Coase Theorem, which outlines three conditions for efficient transactions: 1) clear entitlements to property, 2) transparency, and 3) low transaction costs. Professor Rae then tells the story of a whaling law […] -
Open Courseware
Institutions and Incentives in Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities
Capitalism: Success, Crisis and Reform (PLSC 270) Guest speaker Will Goetzmann, Director of the Yale International Center for Finance and professor at the Yale School of Management, provides a brief history of debt and financial crises. Professor Goetzmann begins with a discussion on debt slavery in the ancient world, and moves on to real estate […] -
Open Courseware
Equity Risk Premia and Bond Default
Equity Risk Premia and Bond default spreads Equity Risk Premia and Real Estate Cap Rates Implied premia for emerging markets Betas – The problem with regression betas – Solutions