Degree programs in medicine and healthcare include, but are not limited to, the practice of medicine, nursing, pharmacology, and biomedical research. Both medicine and healthcare require foundations in biology, math, computer, organizational, and research skills. From certification programs to Ph.D.s and M.D.s, individuals interested in careers in medicine and healthcare have several avenues they can take, each depending on one's skills and areas of interest. Explore this field of study with the following online medicine and healthcare courses.
Free Online Lectures and Courses for Medicine and Healthcare
36 Courses
An Introduction to Health Informatics Terminologies
Approaches to Managing Health Services Organizations
Case Studies in Primary Health Care
Case Studies in Terrorism Response
Changing the Face of American Healthcare
Comparative Health Policy
Corporate Finance for Healthcare Administrators
Finance and the Financial Manager
Financial Math I
Financial Math II
Valuing Stocks and Bonds
Net Present Value
Capital Expenditure Analysis
Capital Expenditure Risk Analysis
Capital Expenditure and Strategy
Risk and Return
Discount Rate Determination
Project Discount Rate
Business Valuation
Financing Math
Corp Finance and Financial Markets
Dividend Policy
Capital Structure
Lease Financing
Financial Analysis and Planning
Dental Anatomy
Review of Oral Tissues and Salivary Glands
Introduction to Dental Waxing
Waxing a Mandibular Bicuspid
Waxing a Maxillary Central Incisor
Waxing a Maxillary Second Bicuspid
Mandibular Incisors
Mandibular Incisors Review
Maxillary Premolars
Maxillary Premolars Review
Maxillary Incisors
Maxillary Incisors Review
Primary Dentition Review
Canines (Cuspids) Review
Maxillary Premolars Review II
Mandibular Premolars Review
Mandibular Molars
Mandibular Molars II
Mandibular Molars Review
Maxilliary Molars
Primary Dentition
Living Anatomy
Oral Surgery
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Dental Anatomy Introduction
Palato-Pharyngeal Function
Review Quiz Answers
Dental Anatomy Review
Canine Teeth
Dental Prosthodontics
Placing Implant Abutments
Overdenture X-ray Guide Modification
3.5mm Drilling Guide - Double
Two Implant Overdenture Drilling Guide
2.8 mm Drilling Guide - Single
2.2mm Surgical Guide - Double
2.2 mm Drilling Guide
Two-Implant Supported Overdenture Treatment
Implant-Supported Dentures
Rotational Path Partial Dentures
Partial Denture Attachments
Removable Partial Dentures: Design Considerations
Tooth Supported Overdentures
Repairing Complete and Partial Dentures
Combination Cases: Complete and Partial Denture Sets
Classification and Components of Removable Partial Dentures
Immediate Insertion Removable Appliances
Provisional Restorations and Boxing the Impression
Fabricating Provisional Crowns
Implant X-Ray Guide - Single
Implant X-Ray Guide - Double
Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600
Introduction to the Course
Classical Views of Disease: Hippocrates, Galen, and Humoralism
Plague (I): Pestilence as Disease
Plague (II): Responses and Measures
Plague (III): Illustrations and Conclusions
Smallpox (I): 'The Speckled Monster'
Smallpox (II): Jenner, Vaccination, and Eradication
Nineteenth-Century Medicine: The Paris School of Medicine
Asiatic Cholera (I): Personal Reflections
Asiatic Cholera (II): Five Pandemics
The Sanitary Movement and the 'Filth Theory of Disease'
Syphilis: From the "Great Pox" to the Modern Version
Contagionism versus Anticontagionism
The Germ Theory of Disease
Tropical Medicine as a Discipline
Malaria (I): The Case of Italy
Malaria (II): The Global Challenge
Tuberculosis (I): The Era of Consumption
Tuberculosis (II): After Robert Koch
Pandemic Influenza
The Tuskegee Experiment
Poliomyelitis: Problems of Eradication
SARS, Avian Inluenza, and Swine Flu: Lessons and Prospects
Final Q&A