43 Courses
Atmosphere, Ocean and Environmental Change
Introduction to Atmospheres
Is Learning Feasible?
Retaining an Atmosphere
The Perfect Gas Law
Vertical Structure of the atmosphere; Residence Time
Greenhouse Effect, Habitability
Hydrostatic Balance
Horizontal Transport
Water in the Atmosphere I
Water in the Atmosphere II
Clouds and Precipitation (Cloud Chamber Experiment)
Circulation of the Atmosphere (Exam I Review)
Global Climate and the Coriolis Force
Coriolis Force and Storms
Convective Storms
Frontal Cyclones
Seasons and Climate
Seasons and Climate Classification
Ocean Bathymetry and Water Properties
Ocean Water Density and Atmospheric Forcing
Ocean Currents
Ocean Currents and Productivity
El Niño
Ice in the Climate System
Ice and climate change
Isotope Evidence for Climate Change
Global Warming
Global Warming (continued)
Global Warming (continued 1)
Climate Sensitivity and Human Population
The Two Ozone Problems
The Ozone Layer
Energy Resources, Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Review and Overview
Lab - Quinnipiac River Field Trip
Autism and Related Disorders
Overview of Autism, Dr. Fred Volkmar
Overview of Autism, Dr. Ami Klin
Treatments for Autism: Overview of Model Programs, Dr. Fred Volkmar
Autism Assessment, Dr. Katherine Tsatsanis
Autism in Infants and Young Children, Dr. Kasia Chawarska
Social Development in Autism, Dr. Ami Klin
Electrophysiological Studies of Social Perception, Dr. James McPartland
Neuroimaging, Dr. Kevin Pelphrey
Behavioral Treatments, Dr. Michael Powers
Parental Perspectives and Supporting Families, Alison Singer
Communication in Autism, Dr. Rhea Paul
Genetics of Autism, Dr. Matthew State
Psychopharmacology, Dr. Andrés Martin
The Legal Rights of Children with Autism and Related Disorders
Changing Face of Autism: Adolescents & Adults
Autism and Related Disorders
Capitalism: Success, Crisis and Reform
Exploding Worlds and Course Introduction
Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter, and an Economic System Incapable of Coming to Rest
Property, Freedom, and the Essential Job of Government
Rise of the Joint Stock Corporation
Can You Sell a Scheme for Operating on Beating Hearts and Make a Business of It?
Mortal Life Cycle of a Great Technology
Guest Lecture by Jim Alexander: Managing the Crooked E
Institutions and Incentives in Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities
Accountability and Greed in Investment Banking
The Mortgage Meltdown in Cleveland
The Political and Judicial Elements of American Capitalism
Mass Affluence Comes to the Western World
Braudel's Bell Jar
The Case of Mister Balram Halwai
Microfinance in South India
Plight of the Bottom Billion
Policy Targets for Capitalist Development
Guest Lecture by Paolo Zanonni, Part I
Guest Lecture by Paolo Zanonni, Part II
Marrying the Devil in Texas
Capitalist Enterprise and Clean Water for a Bolivian City
Cervantes' Don Quixote
Don Quixote, Part I: Front Matter and Chapters I-X
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters I-X (cont)
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XI-XX (cont)
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXI-XXVI
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXI-XXVI (cont)
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXVII-XXXV
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXVII-XXXV (cont)
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXXVI-LII
Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXXVI-LII (cont)
Don Quixote, Introduction to Part II
Don Quixote, Part II: Front Matter and Chapters
Don Quixote, Part II: Front Matter and Chapters (Cont)
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XII-XXI
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XII-XXI (cont)
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XXII-XXXV
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XXII-XXXV (cont)
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XXXVI-LIII
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XXXVI-LIII (cont)
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters LIV-LXX
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters LIV-LXX (cont)
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters LXXI-LXXIV
Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters LXXI-LXXIV (cont)
Dante's Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise
Introduction to Dante
Vita Nuovo
Inferno I, II, III and IV
Inferno V, VI and VII
Inferno XII, XIII, XV and XVI
Inferno XIX, XXI, XXV and XXVI
Purgatory I and II
Purgatory V, VI, IX, X
Purgatory X, XI, XII, XVI and XVII
Purgatory XIX, XXI and XXII
Purgatory XXIV, XXV and XXVI (Guest lecturer Professor David Lummus)
Purgatory XXX, XXXI and XXXIII
Paradise I and II
Paradise IV, VI and X
Paradise XI and XII
Paradise XV, XVI and XVII
Paradise XVIII, XIX, XXI and XXII
Paradise XXIV, XXV and XXVI
General Review
Philosophy of Death
The Nature of Persons: Dualism vs. Physicalism
Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part I
Introduction to Plato's Phaedo; Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part II
Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part III
Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part IV; Plato, Part I
Plato, Part II: Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul
Plato, Part III: Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul (cont.)
Plato, Part IV: Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul (cont.)
Personal Identity, Part I: Identity Across Space and Time and the Soul Theory
Personal Identity, Part II: The Body Theory and the Personality Theory
Personal Identity, Part III: Objections to the Personality Theory
Personal identity, Part IV; What matters?
What Matters (cont.); The Nature of Death, Part I
The Nature of Death (cont.); Believing You Will Die
Dying Alone; The Badness of Death, Part I
The Badness of Death, Part II: The Deprivation Account
The Badness of Death, Part III; Immortality, Part I
Immortality Part II; The Value of Life, Part I
The Value of Life, Part II; Other Bad Aspects of Death, Part I
Other Bad Aspects of Death, Part II
Fear of Death
How to Live Given the Certainty of Death
Suicide, Part I: The Rationality of Suicide
Suicide, Part II: Deciding Under Uncertainty
Suicide, Part III: The Morality of Suicide and Course Conclusion
Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts
General Introduction
Households: Structures, Priorities, Strategies, Roles
Communities: Key Institutions and Relationships
'Countries'' and Nation: Social and Economic Networks and the Urban System
The Structures of Power
Late Medieval Religion and Its Critics
Reformation and Division, 1530-1558
'Commodity'' and ''Commonweal'': Economic and Social Problems, 1520-1560
The Elizabethan Confessional State: Conformity, Papists and Puritans
The Elizabethan ''Monarchical Republic'': Political Participation
Economic Expansion, 1560-1640
A Polarizing Society, 1560-1640
Witchcraft and Magic
Crime and the Law
Popular Protest
Education and Literacy
Street Wars of Religion: Puritans and Arminians
Crown and Political Nation, 1604-1640
Constitutional Revolution and Civil War, 1640-1646
Regicide and Republic, 1647-1660
An Unsettled Settlement: The Restoration Era, 1660-1688
England, Britain, and the World: Economic Development, 1660-1720
Refashioning the State, 1688-1714
Concluding Discussion and Advice on Examination
Environmental Entrepreneurship