Free Online Lectures and Courses for Science & Math
59 Courses
A Cultural and Scientific Survey of the Eye and Vision
Astrobiology and Space Exploration
The Big Bang
From Interstellar Molecules to Astrobiology
Pushing the Envelope for Life
Replaying the Tape
Suborbital Flight and Small Satellites
Life Beyond Its Planet of Origin
ALH 84001 and Other Martian Meteorites
Controlled Environmental Life Support
Genomic Dark Matter: The Emergence of Small RNAs
Life in Space, Life on Earth
The Asteroid Challenge: Will We Be Ready?
Planetary Systems Around Other Stars
Astronomy Lectures by Ian Morison
Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials
Introduction and Case Studies
Potentials, Supercells, Relaxation, Methodology
Potentials 2: Potentials for Organic Materials and Oxides - It's a Quantum World!
First Principles Energy Methods: The Many-Body Problem
First Principles Energy Methods: Hartree-Fock and DFT
Technical Aspects of Density Functional Theory
Case Studies of DFT
Advanced DFT: Success and FailureDFT Applications and Performance
Finite Temperature: Excitations in Materials and How to Sample Them
Molecular Dynamics I
Molecular Dynamics II
Molecular Dynamics III: First Principles
Monte Carlo Simulations: Application to Lattice Models, Sampling Errors, Metastability
Monte Carlo Simulation II and Free Energies
Free Energies and Physical Coarse-Graining
Model Hamiltonions
Ab-Initio Thermodynamics and Structure Prediction
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics, Kinetic Monte Carlo, and Inhomogeneous Spatial Coarse Graining
Case Studies: High PressureConclusions
Autism and Related Disorders
Overview of Autism, Dr. Fred Volkmar
Overview of Autism, Dr. Ami Klin
Treatments for Autism: Overview of Model Programs, Dr. Fred Volkmar
Autism Assessment, Dr. Katherine Tsatsanis
Autism in Infants and Young Children, Dr. Kasia Chawarska
Social Development in Autism, Dr. Ami Klin
Electrophysiological Studies of Social Perception, Dr. James McPartland
Neuroimaging, Dr. Kevin Pelphrey
Behavioral Treatments, Dr. Michael Powers
Parental Perspectives and Supporting Families, Alison Singer
Communication in Autism, Dr. Rhea Paul
Genetics of Autism, Dr. Matthew State
Psychopharmacology, Dr. Andrés Martin
The Legal Rights of Children with Autism and Related Disorders
Changing Face of Autism: Adolescents & Adults
Introduction to Evolution, Variation in a Population and Natural Selection
Arguments for Intelligent Design and Evolution
Clarifying Points on Evolution
The Owl Butterfly: Natural Selection
DNA: Introduction
How Variation in a Species Can Be Introduced
DNA: Chromosomes, Chromatides, Chromatin, etc.
Understanding Mitosis, Meiosis, and Sexual Reproduction
Embryonic Stem Cells: Early Development
Heredity: Genetics and Traits
Punnet Square Fun Overview
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Gender: Sex Linked Traits
Bacteria Introduction
Viruses Introduction
Adenosine Triphosphate: ATP Introduction
Cellular Respiration
Oxidation and Reduction Overview
Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction in Cellular Respiration
Glycolysis Introduction
Krebs and the Citric Acid Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Oxidative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis
Photosynthesis: Details of Light Reactions
Calvin Cycle or the Light-independent Reactions of Photosythesis
Calvin Cycle and Photorespiration Part 2
C-4 Photosynthesis: How Some Plants Avoid Photorespiration
CAM Plants
Cell Parts
Diffusion and Osmosis
The Lungs and Pulmonary System
Red Blood Cells: Oxygen Uptake by Hemoglobin
Circulatory System and the Heart
Neuron: Anatomy
Sodium Potassium Pump
Electronic and Action Potentials
Saltatory Conduction in a Neuron
Neuronal Synapsis (Chemical)
Myosin and Actin
Tropomyosin and Troponin
Role of the Sarcoplasmic
Muscle Cell Structure
Role of Phagocytes in Innate or Nonspecific Immunity
Innate and Adaptive Humoral vs. Cell-Mediated Immune Responses
B Cells: B Lymphocytes
Professional Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) and MHC II Complexes
Helper T Cells: Activating B Cells
Cytotoxic T Cells: Activation by MHC-Vantigen Complexes
Review of B Cells, CD4+ T Cells and CD8+ T Cells
Inflammatory Response
Kidney Function
Secondary Active Transport in the Nephron
Cancer: Broken DNA Replication
Introduction to the Atom
More on Orbitals and Electron Configuration
Electron Configuration 1
Electron Configuration 2
Valence Electrons
Groups of the Periodic Table
Periodic Table Trends: Ionization
Other Periodic Table Trends
Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds
Molecular and Empirical Formulas
The Mole and Avogadro's Number
Formula From Mass Composition
Another Mass Composition Problem
Balancing Chemical Equations
Stoichiometry: Limiting Reagent
Ideal Gas Equation: PV=nRT
Ideal Gas Equation Example 1
Ideal Gas Equation Example 2
Ideal Gas Equation Example 3
Ideal Gas Equation Example 4
Partial Pressure
States of Matter
States of Matter Follow-up
Specific Heat, Heat of Fusion and Vaporization
Chilling Water Problem
Van Der Waals Forces
Covalent Networks, Metallic, and Ionic Crystals
Vapor Pressure
Suspensions, Colloids and Solutions
Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Supression
Introduction to Kinetics
Reactions in Equilibrium
Mini-video on Ion Size
Keq Intuition
Keq Derivation Intuition
Heterogenous Equilibrium
Le Chatelier's Principle
Introduction to pH, pOH, and pKw
Acid Base Introduction
pH, pOH of Strong Acids and Bases
pH of a Weak Acid
pH of a Weak Base
Conjugate Acids and Bases
pKa and pKb Relationship
Buffers and Hendersen-Hasselbalch
Strong Acid Titration
Weak Acid Titration
Half Equivalence Point
Titration Roundup
Introduction to Oxidation States
Hydrogen Peroxide Correction
Redox Reactions
Galvanic Cells
Types of Decay
Exponential Decay Formula Proof
Introduction to Exponential Decay
More Exponential Decay Examples
Macrostates and Microstates
Quasistatic and Reversible Processes
First Law of Thermodynamics/Internal Energy
More on Internal Energy
Work from Expansion
PV-diagrams and Expansion Work
Proof: U=(3/2)PV or U=(3/2)nRT
Work Done by Isothermic Process
Carnot Cycle and Carnot Engine
Proof: Volume Ratios in a Carnot Cycle
Proof: S (or Entropy) is a Valid State Variable
Thermodynamic Entropy Definition Clarification
Reconciling Thermodynamic and State Definitions of Entropy
Entropy Intuition
Maxwell's Demon
More on Energy
Efficiency of a Carnot Engine
Carnot Efficiency 2: Reversing the Cycle
Carnot Efficiency 3: Proving That it is the Most Efficient
Heat of Formation
Hess's Law and Reaction Enthalpy Change
Gibbs Free Energy and Spontaneity
Gibbs Free Energy Example
Rigorous Gibbs Free Energy/Spontaneity Relationship
A Look at a Seductive But Wrong Gibbs/Spontaneity Proof
Stoichiometry Example Problem 1
Stoichiometry Example Problem 2
Limiting Reactant Example Problem 1
Empirical and Molecular Formulas from Stoichiometry
Example of Finding Reactant Emperical Formula
Stoichiometry of a Reaction in Solution
Another Stoichiometry Example in a Solution
Molecular and Empirical Forumlas from Percent Composition
Acid Base Titration
Spectrophotometry Introduction
Spectrophotometry Example
Hess's Law Example
Vapor Pressure Example
Change of State Example
Cognitive and Behavioral Genetics
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 01
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 02
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 03
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 04
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 05
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 06
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 07
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 08
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 09
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 10
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 11
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 12
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 13
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 14
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 15
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 16
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 17
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 18
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 19
Cognitive Neuroscience: Lecture 20
Cognitive Neuroscience of Remembering: Creating and Controlling Memory