161 Courses
Nokia Innovent: Managing Innovation Within a Big Company
Ooma: Building a Team, Seeking Mentors
PalmOne: PDAs as Convergent Devices
The Career Path of a palmOne Executive
The Convergence of Technology
Examples of When Convergence Works and When it Does Not
Historical Example of Convergence - Steam Powered Factory.
Distributed Computing Became an Appliance
From Revolution to Evolution
From Convergence to Appliance
The Future of Appliances
Future of PDAs as Convergent Devices
Growth Prospects for PDAs and for PalmOne
How PalmOne Evaluates What Customers Want
International Markets
Convergence of PDAs with Automobiles
Is PalmOne Focusing on Business or Personal Segments?
PalmOne and Palm Source
How Do You Compete Against More Established Competitors?
PayPal vs. SpaceX: Different Entrepreneurial Challenges
Career Development
Founding of Paypal
Success Through Viral Marketing: PayPal
Selling the Company: Paypal to eBay
Opportunities in Space: Mars Oasis
Space Travel Today
Positioning and Competition: Space Travel
Startup Successes: Comparing Zip2 and Paypal
Viral Marketing
Challenges in the Space Industry
Why is Space Travel So Expensive?
Customer Base: Paypal vs. SpaceX
Qualities of an Entrepreneur
History of SpaceX
Career Development: To MBA or Not?
Reducing Company Costs: Paypal and SpaceX
Patents and Paypal
Space Mining vs. Human Space Flight
Government and Space Travel
What is the Right Time to Sell?
History of Zip2
Decreasing Costs in Space Travel
Space Travel is Not for the First-Time Entrepreneur
Persevering and Learning from both Success and Failure
Perspectives on Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley: History and Secret
Faculty and Startups: Conflict of Interest or Conflict of Commitment?
Observations on the Biotech and Biomedical Devices Space
A Good Team Needs Technical and Non-technical People
If You're So Smart, How Come You're Not Rich?
The Way to Predict the Future is to Invent It
The Downside of Silicon Valley
Envisioning New Centers of Entrepreneurial Activity
Bioengineering: Supporting Innovation Across Disciplines in a University Setting
Opportunities in Social Entrepreneurship
Gravity Pro-B: Government Projects and Spin-off Companies
Presidential Politics: Race, Class, Faith & Gender in the 2008 Election
Proactiv Solution: Discovering and Meeting Market Needs
Prosper.com: Building a Business in a Regulated Industry