161 Courses
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
Five Biggest Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make
What are the Best Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs?
Five Critical Skills That Entrepreneurs Need
Companies Have Personalities
Recruiting People to Sell for You
Timing is Important: The Same Idea Can Have Different Fates
Types of Risks
Story of Startup: The Book
The Best Time to Start a Company is When Nobody Thinks it's Possible
Who Are Your Top Leaders?
Personality of a Company: Establishing Culture and Values Early On
Envisioning the Future: Microsensor Technology
Transitioning from R&D
Coding Together
Commercial Banking and Technology Companies
Competing with Giants, Choosing Investors, and Building Company Culture
Computer Graphics
Computer Science I: Programming Methodology
Introduction to Computer Programming
Introduction to Karel
Karel and Java
The History of Computing
The Loop and a Half Problem
Information Hiding
Importance of Private Variables
The GImage Class
String Processing
Pointer Recap
Multi-dimensional Arrays
A Wrap Up of Multi-dimensional Arrays
An Interface
Review of Interactors and Listeners
Overview of NameSurfer - The Next Assignment
Searching, Sorting and Algorithmic Efficiency
Principles of Good Software Engineering for Managing Large Amounts of Data
Defining a Social Network for Our Purposes
Introduction to the Standard Java Libraries
Life After Programming Methodology
The Graphics Contest Winners
Computer Science II: Programming Abstractions
About the Introduction to Computer Science Series at Stanford
Similarity between C++ & Java: - syntax - variable types - operators - control structures
C++ Libraries - Standard Libraries
C++ Console I/O
Client Use of Templates
More Containers
Seeing Functions as Data: Specific Plot Functions
Common Mistakes Stumbled Upon: 'I'terator
Thinking Recursively
Refresh: Permute Code
Backtracking Pseudocode
Pointer Movie
Coding with Linked List
Selection Sort
Partitioning for Quicksort
Sort Template with Callback
Abstract Data Types
Rules of Template Implementation
Live Coding: Recap of the Vector-based Implementation for Stack
Buffer: Vector vs Stack
Map as Vector
Pathfinder Demo
Compare Map Implementations
Lexicon Case Study
Final Showdown
About the C++ Language, Quick History of C++, C++ Philosophy
Computer Science III: Programming Paradigms
Introduction to Programming Paradigms Course
Data Types - Interpretations
Converting Between Types of Different Sizes and Bit Representations Using Pointers
Creating a Generic Swap Function for Data Types of Arbitrary Size
Generic Lsearch - Prototype
Integer Stack Implementation - Constructor and Destructor
Problems with Ownership of Memory
Heap Management - How Information about Allocations are Stored in the Heap
How a Code Snippet is Translated into Assembly Instructions
More Detail about Activation Records - Layout of Memory During a Function Call
Moving from C Code Generation to C++ Code Generation: Basic Swap Example
Preprocessing Commands
Review of Compilation Process of a Simple Program
Sequential Programming vs. Concurrent Programming
Transitioning from Sequential Programming to Concurrent Programming in the Ticket Sale Example
Review of the Dining Philosopher Problem
Ice Cream Store Problem
Introduction to the Functional Paradigm (Scheme)
Car-Cdr Recursion Problem
Introduction to the Kawa Development Environment: Evaluation of Expressions
Writing a Recursive Power Set Function in Scheme
Scheme Memory Model
Overarching Features of Python
Python Object Model
XML Processing and Python
Introduction to Haskell
Conservation International: Achieving Resource Sustainability