161 Courses
Convex Optimization I
Introduction to Convex Optimization I
Guest Lecturer: Jacob Mattingley
Vector Composition
Optimal And Locally Optimal Points
(Generalized) Linear-Fractional Program
Generalized Inequality Constraints
Complementary Slackness
Applications Section of Course
Statistical Estimation
Continue On Experiment Design
Linear Discrimination (Cont.)
LU Factorization (Cont.)
Algorithm Section of The Course
Continue on Unconstrained Minimization
Newton's Method (Cont.)
Logarithmic Barrier
Interior-Point Methods (Cont.)
Convex Optimization II
Basic Rules for Subgradient Calculus
Recap: Subgradients
Convergence Proof, Stopping Criterion
Project Subgradient For Dual Problem
Stochastic Programming
Addendum: Hit-And-Run CG Algorithm
Example: Piecewise Linear Minimization
Recap: Ellipsoid Method
Comments: Latex Typesetting Style
Decomposition Applications
Sequential Convex Programming
Recap: 'Difference Of Convex' Programming
Recap: Conjugate Gradient Method
Methods (Truncated Newton Method)
Recap: Example: Minimum Cardinality Problem
Model Predictive Control
Stochastic Model Predictive Control
Recap: Branch And Bound Methods, Basic Idea, Unconstrained, Nonconvex Minimization
Creating Value in a Growing Business
Danger: Designing Products With Your Customers
How the Founders Met
The Founding of Danger
The Evolution of Danger's Product Concept
The Danger Product and Business Model
The Evolution of Danger's Product Concept - Part 2
Danger's Product Development Process
How Danger's First Customer Became a Business Partner
Danger's Business Model
How Danger Turned Down Some Opportunities
How the Wireless Markets Evolved in US, Europe, and Asia
Partnering With Customers Who are Competitors
What To Do When Partners Demand Exclusivity
Marketing and the Hiptop Brand
Designing Products Your Customers' Customers Will Love
The Value of a VC Who Shares Your Vision
Darwin's Legacy
Dell: Early Growth and On-Going Innovation
The Origins of Dell, Inc.
The Culture and Dynamics of Dell, Inc. During the Early Years
Take Caution in Forming Close Friendships in a Company
Setting up the Initial Board of Directors for Dell, Inc.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of a Board of Directors
Overcoming Some of the Early Mistakes of Dell, Inc.
The Reasons Behind Dell, Inc. Going Public
Critical Changes to the Business Model of Dell, Inc.
Self-Disruption at Dell, Inc.
Starting a New Company in an Inefficient Industry
Implementing Processes in a Fast-Growing Company
Creating an Effective Communication Infrastructure
The Flawed Model of the Early Computer Industry
Revolutionizing the PC and IT Industry
Innovation at Dell, Inc.
Finding a Common Language for Improvement inside a Company
Current Threats to the PC Industry
Development and Entrepreneurship in China and India
Difference Between an Idea and an Opportunity
Difference Between an Idea and an Opportunity
Why do Ventures Require Dynamic Leaders?
Role of Context in High-Tech Venturing
Market Positioning and the Importance of Partnerships
Purpose of a Business Plan
Importance of Cash Flow
What are the Essentials of the Venture Finance Process?
Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Role of Ethics in High-Tech Entrepreneurship
Digital Chocolate: Persistence and Learning from Mistakes